All about CanAvenue

In this webinar, CanAvenue (and Avenue) developers, Nancy Van Dorp and Sepideh Alavi, provided an introduction to, a new self-directed language learning resource from New Language Solutions, In addition to providing a tour of the new platform, the presenters explained:
what CanAvenue is exactly
who CanAvenue is for, and
what you need to know about CanAvenue.
ChatGPT Prompting to Streamline Learning Object Development (Part 2 of 2)

Creating H5P and Moodle quizzes are not easy. In this webinar, Avenue-LearnIT2teach mentor and developer John Allan, built on the techniques introduced in the ChatGPT Prompting to Streamline H5P Development (Part 1) These included:
fill in the Blanks and Mark the Words from a generic prompt
taking this further to create an H5P Columns activity
a simple Moodle quiz with the assistance of ChatGPT
a complex Moodle quiz with the assistance of ChatGPT
ChatGPT Prompting to Streamline H5P Development (Part 1 of 2)

Creating H5Ps is not an easy task. It is time consuming and involves a lot of steps. In this webinar, Avenue-LearnIT2teach mentor and developer John Allan, introduced and demonstrated ChatGPT prompts that will speed up H5P development for your learners and streamline the development of H5P Single Choice set, Summary, Drag the Word and Question Sets with multiple choice questions. John also included fill in the blanks and mark the words Question types to be inserted into H5P Columns, Course Presentation and Interactive Book activities.