In this free, 15-hour, 7-week course you will delve into these topics:
- The Canadian Language Benchmarks
- Working with lower level learners
- Providing feedback that supports learning
- Using real-world materials with your Newcomers
- Helping Newcomers with English for daily life and employment
- Culture and Canadian Citizenship
- Remote volunteering
Why TESL Basics for Language Volunteers?
Teaching English as a Second Language
Why Volunteer?
Partnering Organizations
At this time, New Language Solutions does not offer TESL Basics for Language Volunteers to individuals. If you would like to take this course but are not sure if TBLV is offered in your area, here is a (growing) list of organizations that have partnered with New Language Solutions to offer this training to local volunteers. Please contact one of the coaches below.
- Abbotsford, BC, Archway Community Services: Rossana Chisholm
- Abbotsford, BC, Archway Community Services: Karla Hilterman
- Vancouver, BC, Vancouver Community College: Vesna Radivojevic
- Vancouver, BC, MOSAIC: Astrid van der Pol
- Victoria, BC, Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria: Sika Patton
- Golden, BC, Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy: Krista Polley
- Surrey, BC, DIVERSE City: Anna Wei
- Calgary, AB, Centre for Newcomers: Shabana Shahzad
- Calgary, AB, Centre for Newcomers: Rabia Garewal
- Dundas, ON, Immigrants Working Centre: Jennifer Weiler
- Winnipeg, MB, English Online: Pam Elalfy
- Kingston, ON, KEYS Employment & Newcomer Services: Lea Westlake
- Leamington, ON, South Essex Community Council: Jasleen Chawla
- Scarborough, ON, ACSA Newcomers’ Centre: Christine Markwell
- Peterborough, ON, New Canadians Centre: Christina Maschas-Hammond
- Toronto, ON, Somali Immigant Aid Organization: Elizabeth Eiras-Vieira
- Toronto, ON, Newcomer Women’s Services: Dhurata Sinani
- Fredericton, NB, Multi-Cultural Association Fredericton: Sue Oborn
- Saint John, NB, YMCA Greater Saint John Area: David Collins
If you are a LINC coordinator or language program manager and would like to partner with New Language Solutions to offer TESL Basics for Language Volunteers at your organization, please contact our Project Lead Marijke Geurts.
TBLV Frequently Asked Questions
First of all, you can check the list of organizations that are partnering with NLS to see if your program already offers TBLV. If that is not the case, feel free to tell your colleagues about this free training and connect your program administrator with our TBLV Project Lead Marijke Geurts.
First of all, make sure that you have staff in place to facilitate the TBLV course for your volunteers. Then, contact our Project Lead Marijke Geurts. We will send you a Memo of Understanding that gives further details of what we offer and what we expect. Once your staff member has completed the TBLV Train the Trainer Course (3-4 hours), we will set up your local TBLV course.
Yes, there is. If you meet the requirements to become a TBLV coach (1-2 years of ESL experience, and LIT2T stage 2 complete), you will be enrolled in the TBLV Train the Trainer course. On this course, you will find the Support Forum for TBLV Coaches. Much like the Avenue Teacher Only Forum, this is where coaches can ask their questions and share experiences, resources and best practices. It is a growing community of practice, and we welcome new members!
That is an excellent question, and it depends on what your employer can offer you. At this time the Avenue-Learn IT 2 Teach project, is not able to pay coaches.
Yes, it is! Once there is a trained TBLV coach in your organization, they will receive their own TBLV course that has all of the topics. However, you decide how the course best serves your needs: offered in full, or as individual topics to fill in gaps in a volunteer’s knowledge.
At this time New Language Solutions does not offer TBLV to volunteers who are not affiliated with an organization. If you would like to take the course, please approach an organization that is closest to where you live, and ask them if you would be able to take the course with them. You can find a list of partnering organizations on this page.
Yes, if you have completed all of the seven topics in the TBLV course, your local TBLV Coach can request a certificate for 15 hours of training for you. However, if you have only completed a few of the modules, we do not issue a certificate.