My Portfolio
Canadian Language Benchmarks
My Canada
Where I Live
Helpful English
Francophone Communities in Canada
My Portfolio
Canadian Language Benchmarks
ESL Literacy
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
ESL Literacy
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
My Canada
ESL Literacy
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
ESL Literacy
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
Where I Live
ESL Literacy
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
ESL Literacy
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
Helpful English
ESL Literacy
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
ESL Literacy
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
Francophone Communities in Canada
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
CLB 1-4
CLB 5-8
Citizenship and Immigration Canada would like to thank the following people for their contribution to the development of the Language Companion.
Developed by: Toronto Catholic District School Board, Continuing Education Department: Anne-Marie Kaskens (managing editor), Anne Hajer (writer)
Expert Advisor: Joanne Pettis
Reviewers: Karen Geraci, Marisa Mazzulla
Special thanks to:
- Barb Krukowski, The Centre for Skills Development and Training, Burlington, Ontario for permission to use and adapt sections of the Newcomer Companion
- Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks ( for permission to reprint the CLB mini-posters
- Administrators, teachers and students who participated in the Ottawa Portfolio Based Language Assessment (PBLA) field-test, and provided valuable feedback on the Language Companion