The LearnIT2teach project is now delivered entirely via Avenue.ca
The Avenue-LearnIT2teach Project provides LINC/CLIC and Ontario adult language training (ALT) ESL/FSL instructors with the technology tools to implement blended and online learning in their programs, as well as a FREE four-stage teacher training and professional development program to master the tools. Instructors must take the free training to be eligible to receive the courseware that they can use with their learners.
Administrators of any IRCC programs in Canada and ALT programs in Ontario can email admin@learnit2teach.ca for more information.
Completion of the Avenue Instructor Bootcamp course must be successfully completed by all participants before they can receive the free courseware to use with their students.
Teacher participants can learn how to integrate online learning:
- through a self-directed Instructor Bootcamp course giving non-editing access to the Avenue courseware
- in an editing teacher when enrolled in Stages 2, 3 and 4
- with support from a project mentor
- by collaborating with colleagues from across Canada in instructor-only forums
The Bootcamp will require 3-4 hours to complete. After completing this course, LINC, CLIC and Ontario ALT instructors will have the option of stopping and staying in the Instructor (non-editing) role. This role allows them to manage and facilitate courses they create with the Course Builder, but not add or change any content. The Bootcamp takes place online and introduces the LearnIT2teach approach to blended and online learning. Participants are oriented to teaching on Avenue. The Bootcamp emphasizes how to use the PBLA-aligned eUnits and modules, manage a course and its learners, and how to use the ePortfolio.
Building on the Bootcamp course, the one-hour Transition to Stage 2 course prepares instructors to become course editors, so they can benefit from their new permissions when they enter Stage 2.
Much of Stage 2 represents a practicum where the instructor is putting the Avenue platform to work with their learners. Of the 15-18 hours of effort required to complete Stage 2, five to eight hours represent time on instruction (lesson planning/delivery) that the instructor would be doing in any case, and about 10 hours is time dedicated purely to professional development. The focus of Stage 2 is on adapting the courseware in blended or online learning. Upon entering this Stage, participants are assigned the editing teacher role in their courseware, and they start adapting it to their teaching contexts. Basic course editing is introduced in Stage 2. Tutela.ca integration requires participants to use an instructional resource from this site in their course delivery. Avenue’s Technology Standards (2024) are explored and participants must complete several related tasks.
Stage 3 builds on the participant’s course editing skills, and it emphasizes using the courseware in ways that support best practices in blended learning and settlement language training. More advanced functions of the Moodle learning management system are introduced, such as authoring Moodle activities, enhancing course communication, adding dynamic content and widgets, and participants select a few of these features to enhance their courseware. Participants are required to use the courseware with learners to complete Stage 3. Tutela.ca offers over 400 SCORM learning objects in its collection, and the Stage 3 training provides information about how to access these resources.
As of July 2014, Ontario TESL professionals who complete Stage 3 are eligible for TESL Ontario Post-TESL Training Certification. However, stage has been modified for PTCT accreditation, and those who have already completed it are not eligible.
Teachers master the creation of their own e-activities and the skills needed to upload them to a digital repository (Tutela.ca) where they can be shared with other professionals across Canada.
• Provides an introduction to Hot Potatoes and TexToys software, enabling teachers of all levels to create their own self-correcting ESL exercises
• Introduces teachers to project-based learning and webquests
• Familiarizes teachers with other web-based tools that can be used in language instruction
• Offers TESL Ontario members a PTCT accreditation in “Developing e-Materials for Language Training.”
This stage is also provided online and supported by TESL trainers accredited by TESL Ontario.