Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version 11 time, and there are valuable and practical insights from that research. It is always a good idea to check the publication date and source for accuracy and relevance. Avenue.ca includes an annotated bibliography at https://bib.learnit2teach.ca/ with links to directly relevant theoryinformed research that supports practice for the settlement sector. With resources of all kinds, be curious, read with an open mind and a critical eye, and consider just how applicable they can be in your context. Reflection: Where do you get your information about technology for language teaching and how does it inform your practice? What are some example sources you could share with a colleague? ☐ I pay attention to what is happening with technology use in teaching (including AI) by reading articles, watching videos, going to webinars and conference sessions, and/or hearing from others with expertise. ☐ I learn about relevant theory and research related to technology. ☐ I think about how I might apply the theory and research I’ve learned about to my teaching, or why it’s not a good fit. PI 3.3. Create technology-enhanced learning environments that provide multiple types of media and modes for learning. Learners respond better to a variety of media – audio, video, text, image - to build multiple channels in memory. Current communication channels also often involve mixed media. Keep in mind that some learners may have hidden disabilities that may be visual and aural, and learners may not tell you if they have problems hearing or seeing (colors, for example). Having individual, pair, and group work online lets those who are more social or more introverted find ways to feel comfortable. Reflection: How often do learners have multiple pathways to the content they are learning? How familiar are you with the options for adaptive technology: font, color, text-to-speech, and more? ☐ I use a variety of media when I’m presenting information to my learners. ☐ I know about adaptive technology for learners with visible or hidden disabilities, and I am proactive in designing digital material to address disabilities. ☐ I have learners work individually, in pairs, and in groups at different times when using technology. PI 3.4. Use technology-enhanced active learning and task-based approaches that incorporate authentic learner experiences. Learners should have something authentic and useful to do in every lesson, whether online, blended, or face-to-face. For example, learners can take photos with their phones to practice pronunciation, vocabulary, writing, and speaking. They can create an annotated map with their neighborhood, using their photos and Google Maps. That task might include adding narration about why some places are important in the map they share online. Take advantage of the wide range of lived experiences that adults have to build inclusive, motivating language learning tasks with technology.