Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version 17 Learners today are using various technology tools, websites, and related resources in a variety of ways throughout the day. They are likely to engage in social media, where they may share personal details about their lives with online friends who have shared interests. This may involve creating media or mashups that they closely identify with and help them express their individual personality. Such practices can encourage learners to engage with others more extensively than they would in other contexts. Knowing the kinds of activities that learners are engaging in outside of class can help you create compelling customized experiences that offer opportunities for extended language practice. Observe learners as they use technology to better understand their language goals. Engage in ongoing dialogue with learners about their language goals. This can be done through various forms of technology as well as in person meetings. Reflection: Can the learner relate to the technologies that are being used in your classroom? Do they resemble the technologies learners are using on their own? ☐ I ask about and observe the devices and tools my learners use and how they use them, leveraging that familiarity for language learning purposes. ☐ I encourage learners to make creative use of the tools they know to support their learning goals. ☐ I help learners connect new tools and tasks to familiar ones to minimize confusion and frustration. PI 5.2. Be aware of and cultivate learners’ individual communicative and digital competencies. While learners are likely to have extensive experience with various technologies, each of them will be different based on the specific experiences and interests they have. Some learners may not be familiar with the kind of technologies that are designed specifically for language learning, while being more comfortable using social media platforms. Others may have extensive experience in the world of video games. Developing a sense of the technological background of learners can help you to recognize and play to their strengths while also assisting them with the areas in which they may need more development to succeed in their language learning goals. Observe learners to identify their competencies and engage in ongoing dialogue with learners about these competencies. Acknowledge individual differences among learners’ competencies. Reflection: Do learners recognize the ways that you design or adapt instruction for their personal competencies? ☐ I take steps to become aware of individual differences in my learners’ overall communicative and digital skills and knowledge. ☐ I make an effort to ensure that learners have the digital and communicative competence they need for a given technology-mediated task through training, connecting them with institutional or peer support, or offering alternatives that they can meet. ☐ I am familiar with the Avenue Learner Standards for TELL and help learners become aware of them and make progress toward meeting them.