Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version 2 INTRODUCTION FOR INSTRUCTORS The purpose of the Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL is to provide guidance for effective technology-enhanced language teaching and learning for Canadian settlement language programs. The Standards support instructors as competent and reflective users of Avenue or similar platforms for their teaching. They also build instructors’ confidence in incorporating technology tools and resources from Avenue and beyond into their face-to-face, blended, and online language classes. Some concepts are evident across multiple standards and reinforce key connections. Importantly, the Standards aim to help instructors not only face the current situations in which they find themselves, but also prepare them for the uncertainties that lie in the future, such as artificial intelligence and generative AI. The Standards are not intended as another hurdle for instructors to overcome. Rather, they are a guide to aid instructors and their program administrators in delivering exemplary language learning experiences for learners. In this version document, we present the guiding philosophy and the seven instructor standards, each of which has a set of more detailed performance indicators (PIs) to provide clearer descriptions of what the standard entails. The PIs have a text that explains them, along with suggestions for reflecting on how they link to an instructor’s own teaching. We also include two or more “can-do” statements for each PI to help instructors determine whether they meet them. The full set of can-dos is listed in the Appendix. We will have a set of vignettes available soon to provide illustrations of how the standards and PIs can be realized in actual teaching situations. Guiding Philosophy This is the fundamental concept that sets the tone for approaching the technology standards. Implement the Technology Standards by engaging constantly in thoughtful consideration, healthy skepticism, and reflective practice, balanced by a willingness to suspend judgement and persist in the face of initial frustration. Be curious. Think about what might work; think about why it might not be a good choice. Try it and think about what did and don’t work. Give it more than one chance.