Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version Standard 2. Understand and use a basic set of relevant technology resources and tools for language teaching and continue to update and expand this set regularly. PI 2.1. Recognize that tools and resources can not only enhance but also diminish learning effectiveness depending on how they are used. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I am aware that technology may diminish learning effectiveness. Explain: I ask learners about their technology use for language learning to ensure that it is as accessible, convenient, and effective as possible Explain: I focus on learner goals, objectives, and outcomes rather than the use of a particular technology. Explain: Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I have experience looking up solutions online to problems that arise and recognizing when I need to seek help from others. Explain: I keep track of problems I have had with my device or network and how they were fixed so that I can help myself and others in the future. Explain: 27