Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version 3 STANDARDS AND PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Standard 1 is about using devices and systems skillfully. Understand and use personal and institutional devices, device system settings, and networks to support quality technology-enhanced language teaching and learning. PI 1.1. Be comfortable with technology in your settings: home, institutional, and mobile. With technology part of our daily lives, it’s worth spending a little time to understand it better. Being comfortable means being confident that the technology will serve you instead of the other way around. Knowing your passwords and being sure you have secure ones is one place to start. Being able to connect your computers, smartphones, and tablets to peripheral devices like printers, speakers, projectors, and so on through wires, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth is also a fundamental skill. Important data should be backed up, either physically on an external disk or thumb drive or online in the cloud. You should know how to get online and offline, and if online, whether you are on a wired, Wi-Fi, or cellular data connection, selecting whichever is the most appropriate for a given setting. Understand that everything from light switches and watches to your laptop or desktop may be a computer. Reflection: Think about the one or two devices you use the most. How well do you understand them, and what small steps could you take to understand them better? ☐ I am comfortable using my own devices on a daily basis and do not normally have to rely on others to help. ☐ I am proficient with at least one web browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.) that I use regularly for connecting to websites. ☐ I am proficient with at least one search engine (Google, Bing, etc.) that I use regularly to locate information on the web. ☐ I know how to install and delete apps on my devices. The full set of can-dos is in listed in the Appendix. PI 1.2. Understand the primary features of the systems on devices you use and how to change them as needed. The key to using your smartphone, computer, or tablet effectively is to have a good understanding of its system (also called the operating system). A widely used icon for the parts of the system that you can control is the gear or toothed wheel app on iPhones, iPads, and Android phones and tablets. For Windows PCs, look for the settings app or type “settings” into the desktop search box. For Apple Macintoshes/MacBooks, under the top left “apple” menu you will find “System Settings.” For Chromebooks, click on the launch icon at the bottom left of the screen or just type “settings” into the Chrome search box.