Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version PI 3.3. Create technology-enhanced learning environments that provide multiple types of media and modes for learning. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I use a variety of media when I’m presenting information to my learners. Explain: I know about adaptive technology for learners with visible or hidden disabilities, and I am proactive in designing digital material to address disabilities. Explain: I have learners work individually, in pairs, and in groups at different times when using technology. Explain: PI 3.4. Use technology-enhanced active learning and task-based approaches that incorporate authentic learner experiences. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I think about my learners’ contexts when creating technology-enhanced or online activities. Explain: I have learners incorporate their own lives and contexts in online or technologyenhanced task-based activities. Explain: I create technology-enhanced activities that encourage learners to get out of the classroom and gain or use real-world experience Explain: 32