Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version PI 3.5. Use technology tasks to build creativity, reflection, and community. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I encourage learners to use technology in creative and collaborative tasks. Explain: I guide learners in reflecting on their choices about how they learn with technology. Explain: I ensure that everyone feels welcome and included, especially in fully online classes. Explain: PI 3.6. Identify, adapt, and create effective prompts for generative AI. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I know where to find information about creating prompts or using a promptgenerating app for teaching purposes. Explain: I adapt prompts created by someone else or an app. Explain: I create effective prompts by providing the role for the AI, context (type of learner/setting), topic, format, and learner proficiency level or use a promptgenerating app to do so. Explain: 33