Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version PI 4.3. Acknowledge learners’ ownership of their online work. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I explain to learners that the author of any work owns and holds copyright to their work, which means that learners hold copyright on their own work. Explain: I model crediting my learners and others for their contributions. Explain: I ask permission from my learners before sharing their work with colleagues and in presentations. Explain: PI 4.4. Learn about ethical use of technology and follow local, provincial, and national online privacy, copyright, and fair dealing regulations. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I understand the risks to learner privacy and take care to protect learner information online. Explain: I stay abreast of the relevant local, provincial, and federal regulations related to privacy and copyright and follow them. Explain: 35