Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version PI 4.7. Model online behaviors that show respect for diversity in opinion, identity, and cultural practices. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I recognize the diverse backgrounds and identities of my learners and ensure that everyone feels welcome and included, especially in fully online classes. Explain: I model ways that different or opposing views can be discussed respectfully online. Explain: I use the comments and replies posted by my learners to plan lessons on how to address issues related to inclusive, respectful, and responsible communication. Explain: Standard 5. Use technology thoughtfully to identify and address current and future needs of learners in ways that reflect diverse identities and contexts. PI 5.1. Be aware of the technology used by your learners and the contexts in which they use it. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I ask about and observe the devices and tools my learners use and how they use them, leveraging that familiarity for language learning purposes. Explain: I encourage learners to make creative use of the tools they know to support their learning goals. Explain: I help learners connect new tools and tasks to familiar ones to minimize confusion and frustration. Explain: 37