Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version PI 5.2. Be aware of and cultivate learners’ individual communicative and digital competencies. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I take steps to become aware of individual differences in my learners’ overall communicative and digital skills and knowledge. Explain: I make an effort to ensure that learners have the digital and communicative competence they need for a given technology-mediated task through training, connecting them with institutional or peer support, or offering alternatives that they can meet. Explain: I am familiar with the Avenue Learner Standards for TELL and help learners become aware of them and make progress toward meeting them. Explain: PI 5.3. Leverage technology to design personalized learner-centered experiences. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I am aware of my learners’ interests, abilities, and needs so that I can adjust technology-enhanced assignments and tasks to better fit them. Explain: I use technology tools and resources to personalize learning experiences to make them a better fit for individual learners. Explain: I take into account individual student identities when designing learner-centered experiences. Explain: 38