Avenue Learner Standards for Technology-Enhanced Language Learning PI 2.3. Learners use artificial intelligence (AI) tools appropriately. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I can create simple prompts and change them as needed to get the result that I want. Explain: I know about the guidelines related to AI at my school. Explain: I know how to credit AI as a source in my assignments. Explain: PI 2.2. Learners demonstrate safe use of technology in legal and ethical ways. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I can set my browser to “safe search” settings and can identify resources that are not legal. Explain: I am aware of the privacy of others when uploading materials online. I know what can and cannot be shared online. Explain: I know how to add the author’s information when using downloaded material in my work. Explain: