Canadian Language Benchmarks (ESL Literacy)

16 Canadian Language Benchmarks: ESL Literacy Speaking ! At this Benchmark, I can: When: • I can see the person or talk very briefly on the phone • the person sometimes helps me • I can sometimes use pictures and gestures • give simple information about common everyday activities, experiences, needs, and wants • use basic grammar and connect my ideas „ Make and respond to polite requests. For example: • ask for information about services • ask for help when I am shopping • ask for a day off „ Have short, casual social conversations. For example: • introduce 2 people to each other • talk about the weather with a co-worker „ Talk briefly on the phone. For example: • start and carry on simple telephone conversations and end the calls • leave short, simple telephone messages „ Ask for and give simple information about my needs and feelings. For example: • tell a classmate how I am feeling „ Describe personal experiences and situations using 5-7 sentences. For example: • describe my day at work • say what happened on my favourite TV show „ Give simple 4- to 5-step instructions and directions. For example: • give directions to a familiar place • give instructions on how to set an alarm clock Giving Instructions Sharing Information Interacting with Others Getting Things Done © 2013 Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks The Can Do Statements are intended to help learners understand the Canadian Language Benchmark levels; they are not intended for assessment purposes. For the Canadian Language Benchmark Online Self-Assessment, visit . For further details on the Canadian Language Benchmarks, consult the CLB document, available online at . The Can Do Statements were developed with support from the Province of Manitoba and the Government of Canada. Benchmark Canadian Language Benchmarks Can Do Statements 4