Canadian Language Benchmarks (ESL Literacy)

21 Canadian Language Benchmarks: ESL Literacy Reading At this Benchmark, I can: When: ! • the topic is familiar • there are sometimes pictures, charts, or diagrams • I sometimes use a dictionary in my language • understand short, simple paragraphs „ Find information in simple forms, tables, schedules, and directories. For example: • telephone numbers in an online directory Find and compare information in short business texts such as brochures, notices, form letters, and flyers. For example: • two simple brochures about travel „ Understand simple social messages. For example: • an email from a friend with the reason they didn’t come to class • a letter with news from a friend „ Understand and compare some important information in 2-3 short, simple paragraphs. For example: • factual description of a company (its location, when it started, how many people worked there, etc.) • information about 2 different apartments „ Find information in dictionaries and online encyclopedias. For example: • information for a class project in an online encyclopedia „ Follow simple instructions with about 6 steps and with some pictures. For example: • simple recipes • instructions for playing a simple game Comprehending Instructions Comprehending Information Interacting with Others Getting Things Done © 2013 Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks The Can Do Statements are intended to help learners understand the Canadian Language Benchmark levels; they are not intended for assessment purposes. For the Canadian Language Benchmark Online Self-Assessment, visit . For further details on the Canadian Language Benchmarks, consult the CLB document, available online at . The Can Do Statements were developed with support from the Province of Manitoba and the Government of Canada. Benchmark Canadian Language Benchmarks Can Do Statements 4