Episode 29, Spotlight on a LINC teacher: Rostam Pooladi-Darvish

The Edulinc courseware, and the Moodle open-source learning management system on which Edulinc is built, provide a wide array of functions and tools.

Wikis, blogs, the grade book, Activity Tracking, the discussion and news forums are just a few examples.

But not every LINC teacher wants or needs all the tools to make blended learning work.

Rostam Pooladi-Darvish has been using Edulinc with his LINC learners at Bow Valley College in Calgary for four years now.

In this podcast, Rostam describes how he makes limited use of the tools available, but he still finds the courseware is very effective for teaching and learning.

He describes how he used the system initially and how his teaching has evolved.

He also talks about how his learners benefit from Edulinc and enjoy it.