Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version 16 PI 4.6. Model equitable practices by incorporating learners’ wealth of linguistic and cultural resources in technology use. Adult learners come from all walks of life bringing with them rich and diverse cultural and linguistic experiences. Tapping into these readily available assets enriches learning, exposes learners to relevant and diverse cultural experiences from around the world, and creates a level playing field for the learners to engage. Use learners as authentic resources when the opportunity presents itself. For example, acknowledge learners’ cultural backgrounds. Have learners make technology-enhanced presentations about a cultural celebration or an event, such as birthdays, weddings, or holidays, using family resources such as photos to strengthen what families offer. Reflection: How do learners’ cultural experiences address equity in your class? What kind of preparations are needed to make a cultural event a positive experience for your learners? ☐ I incorporate learners’ backgrounds and cultures in my planning for technology-enhanced discussions and activities whenever possible. ☐ I create technology-enhanced activities where all learners benefit from sharing languages and cultures with others. PI 4.7. Model online behaviors that show respect for diversity in opinion, identity, and cultural practices. Acknowledge your learners’ diverse backgrounds and engage them in healthy discussion. Model how diverse and opposing arguments or opinions can be presented through respectful conversations online and in person. Discuss contributions to forums in the course and elicit learners’ thoughts about whether they like/don’t like the comments and why; or if they find them valuable or appropriate. Explore the process for posting ideas and responding to other posts. Reflection: Do you go over a set of rules in preparation for a respectful class discussion? What strategies do you use when there is a communication breakdown? ☐ I recognize the diverse backgrounds and identities of my learners and ensure that everyone feels welcome and included, especially in fully online classes. ☐ I model ways that different or opposing views can be discussed respectfully online. ☐ I use the comments and replies posted by my learners to plan lessons on how to address issues related to inclusive, respectful, and responsible communication. Standard 5 is about using technology to help all learners thrive. Use technology thoughtfully to identify and address current and future needs of learners in ways that reflect diverse identities and contexts. PI 5.1. Be aware of the technology used by your learners and the contexts in which they use it.