Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version 22 Reflection: Think about an online community in which you take part and have established relationships with colleagues. How has this impacted you as a person and as a professional? ☐ I participate in online communities of practice that share tools and resources for teaching and learning. ☐ I seek online input and feedback from colleagues when I need support and advice. PI 7.2. Engage in meaningful online collaboration with your colleagues to create authentic learning experiences. We all know how much time goes into preparing materials or brushing up on old skills. Sometimes we spend hours learning a new skill on our own only to find out that there were easier ways to learn the same thing. Getting together with colleagues to develop an activity or a lesson, or simply brainstorming an idea can be a fun and enriching experience. It is much quicker for a colleague to show you how a new app, function, or shortcut works. Discussing why a lesson that was recommended by a colleague didn’t work for your class can lead to a practical and meaningful alternative. Taking a deeper dive into mindful conversations about your teaching augments learning experiences and helps build confidence. Reflection: How has working with a colleague helped you create better lessons? ☐ I find materials to use and adapt for my class that others have shared on online platforms. ☐ I collaborate with colleagues online to create or adapt resources for authentic learning experiences. PI 7.3. Share online practices, resources, and research with peers. It takes courage to respond to a comment or to share an opinion, a research article, or an activity in an online community such as Avenue forum. Whether we think that our opinions may not be worth sharing or it is just easier to keep them to ourselves, it is important to be comfortable expressing them in a respectful and responsible manner. You’d be surprised how many others share your triumphs and tribulations, appreciate your thoughts, and can offer practical strategies that you can adapt to your own context. Reflection: How did discussing a research article that you found interesting with a colleague enrich your learning? ☐ I share relevant online practices and resources with colleagues. ☐ I share thoughts and reflections about webinars and online presentations with colleagues as well as on online platforms. ☐ I review online publications such as TESL Canada Journal and provincial publications, sharing the articles that I find interesting with colleagues.