Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version PI 1.4. Know how to organize applications and files (documents, spreadsheets, photos, etc.) so that they are easy to locate when needed. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I am satisfied with how my files and apps are arranged. Explain: I know how to use the search function to find my files on my device and in the cloud. Explain: PI 1.5. Know how to look up information about your devices, systems, and networks. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I know how to use the help feature on my device to get information. Explain: I know how to search online for information about how to use my device. Explain: I know how to find useful videos to show me how to do things I want to with my device. Explain: PI 1.6. Be able to perform basic troubleshooting/problem-solving for devices and systems. Fully meets or exceeds expectations Making progress Does not yet meet expectations I recognize that some problems can be fixed simply by restarting the device having issues. Explain: 26