Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version 7 Tools for production and communication are everywhere and as a language teacher, it is good for you to have solid control of the ones you use. You are probably comfortable with a word processor and email program for basic purposes, but it is useful to know how to set up tables, insert graphics, and be able to use the range of review functions. If you have never tried this, open your word processor to a new document and click on as many of the menu items as you can find. Try them out and see if you can discover something new and useful for personal or teaching uses. For example, on MS-Word and other word processors, there is an Insert heading next to Home at the top—click on it and try inserting different items--you may be surprised at what’s there. Reflection: Explore the media player on your device or find one on a popular website like YouTube or TED.com. Find as many controls as you can and note any that are unfamiliar. What happens when you play with them? ☐ I am aware of the production tools, such as word-processors, and communication tools, such as email, available on my devices. ☐ I try out functions in these tools to better understand them. PI 2.3. Be able to perform basic troubleshooting/problem-solving for the tools you use. You can’t be expected to know how to fix everything, but there are some common problems with likely fixes that you should be aware of. Be familiar with how your audio and video settings work on the devices you use so that you are more likely to be able to anticipate problems and recover quickly. Test your setup before trying to connect with your learners. Make sure batteries are charged sufficiently. If a problem arises and you have time, try to fix the problem yourself by looking for solutions online—the time invested will improve your troubleshooting skills. Be aware that some apps work differently depending on the operating system (Mac OS, Windows, iOS, Android, Chrome) and that some websites operate differently in different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.). Finally, know how to contact your institutional tech support and learn from them how to fix it yourself. Reflection: Think about a problem you had with a specific app recently. What did you do, and what did you learn from the experience? How could you keep track of such incidents? ☐ I know how to adjust the settings of the tools I use for language teaching. ☐ I am aware that browsers and apps may behave differently on different devices. ☐ I try to solve problems that I encounter with language teaching tools by myself before I seek assistance from others. PI 2.4. Teach language with and through technology across a range of online, in person, and blended modes, recognizing the differences in effective practice for each.