Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL 02/05/24 version 9 Technology tools and applications can be an important part of the online teaching and learning experience. Evaluating the potential of a collaborative writing application like Google Docs, for example, starts with understanding things like how the individual tools for producing, editing, and commenting work, as well as being aware that a document’s history is accessible. Beyond that, though, it is important to see how those technical features can be applied to further the development of writing and other skills for your class. It is helpful to think of this in terms of two elements: teacher and learner fit. For teacher fit, the potential uses of the tool or application should integrate with your language teaching approach. For learner fit, the potential uses of the tool or application should meet the learning goals of the course and support styles your learners are familiar and comfortable with. Reflection: Think about your language teaching approach. What theories, beliefs, or principles guide how you teach and support your learners? How have you used these to inform the selection and implementation of digital tools and apps? ☐ I am aware that technology tools do not always fit well with teacher and learner needs. ☐ I know how to evaluate the learner fit of technology tools and applications. ☐ I try out technology tools to determine if they will provide a better fit than the tools I am already familiar with. PI 2.7. Seek to adapt tools and resources to meet teaching and learning needs. There are many tools and resources that have potential to support language learning but have not been designed to do so. However, they are not always ideal for meeting learning objectives without some adaptation by you or the learners. Existing lessons or activities from outside sources can be updated or be localized to have more impact on your learners. A longer YouTube video, for example, can be played directly from a specific point by capturing the URL with the desired time stamp instead of having to use the slider to try and find it. Reflection: Think about one of your favorite resources. How can you select and adapt items within that resource to better serve the needs of your learners? What additional skills might help you do this more easily? ☐ I know where to learn about new tools and resources for teaching and learning. ☐ I understand how to adapt new tools and resources to address my learners’ needs. PI 2.8. Carefully consider and implement artificial intelligence (AI) tools. AI has been incorporated into many educational tools, including automated writing evaluation. This trend will only continue. Generative AI such as ChatGPT has the potential to radically change learning and instruction. AI tools can create customized lesson plans, readings, dialogues, and more classroom material that teachers can quickly adapt and use. For learners, they can offer formative feedback on writing drafts and hold a “conversation.” AI tools can also generate essays, reports, and other classroom assignments based on Internet