Jeremy Cole

Repurposing H5Ps

Presented by John Allan, Avenue/LearnIT2teach mentor and developer, this webinar focusses on the following:

Educational H5P sources (thousands)
H5P Reuse link and copyright – Reasons to repurpose
Repurposing in Avenue
Common practical steps
Development efficiencies
Behaviour options
Practical resources

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Jeremy Cole

eLearning Design Guidelines

Nancy Van Dorp and Sepideh Alavi, Avenue-LearnIT2teach developers and mentors, explain how to create user-friendly, appealing eLearning resources. The design of the object really does influence the learning experience, and in this webinar, they describe practical ways to make layouts and content approachable to users.

The learning outcomes for this webinar were to:

discover why good design impacts the learning experience
differentiate good from

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Jeremy Cole

Introducing the English Pronunciation Course on Avenue.ca

Kevin Simpson, Sepideh Alavi and Ron Thomson delivered this webinar introducing Avenue’s new English Pronunciation Training course. This course was developed with the aim of helping learners of English overcome problems in their perception and production of English speech sounds. The potential users of the course are learners with different CLB levels, first languages, education, and a range of experiences using English as a second

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Jeremy Cole

Professional Development in Integrating Technology for Settlement Language Training

Doctors Phil Hubbard and Greg Kessler have been leading international lights in the world of Technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) for many years. From their academic positions at Stanford University and Ohio University respectively, they have each contributed as teacher trainers and authors to the theory and practice of online and blended language training. New Language Solutions, Inc. was very pleased to offer this opportunity for

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Jeremy Cole

Introducing MANSO’s Childcare Assistant EAL Curriculum (CLB 3-5)

This webinar explored the newly launched Childcare Assistant EAL Curriculum developed by the Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO). The curriculum was designed for newcomers at CLB 3, 4, and 5 who have different levels of interest in, and experience with, early childhood education as a career. The writers and developers of the materials, Stella Wang, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology, Eman Ghanem, Solomon

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Jeremy Cole

H5P Writing Tools

This webinar introduces some new H5P activities and provides a step-by-step guide to using these tools and links to working examples. The tools include:

– Documentation tool which is used to create guided writing tasks with an export to Word feature.
Handout: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XbvZ5PqaDcG6lgalVomi5Knd2KI1IYQL/view

– Sort the Paragraphs is a simple visual tool used to set up drag the paragraphs into the correct order activities.<br

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Nick Cherney

Onboarding New LINC Students to Avenue

This webinar, presented by Svetlana Mitrovic, with support from Vesna Radivojevic, Jasjit Saraw and Maureen Kelbert, introduces the Orientation to Avenue for LINC 3- 5 Students.

This resource was developed by Vancouver of Community College to orient new-to-LINC students to the Avenue courseware.

During this session, the presenter introduced the Orientation to Avenue for New LINC 3 – 5 Students and demonstrated some lessons.


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Nick Cherney

Introducing eSkills

This presentation provides an overview of the National LINC Online Curriculum (NLOC) project activities and timelines, it explains the purpose of the courseware, and it includes a demonstration of an e-unit. It shows specific activities at CLB 4 and how users navigate this learner-centered, task-based, accessible courseware.

The NLOC project, developed for the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program, will introduce innovative and

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Nick Cherney

Introduction to Extensive Reading on Avenue (Part 2)

In this second of a two-part webinar series on Extensive Reading (ER), John Allan and Sepideh Alavi, NLS mentors and content developers, explore the ER movement as an approach to language learning that encourages students to read at a comfortable level that inspires reading for pleasure, reinforces and strengthens the learner’s language foundation, and should build/boost L2 confidence as they progress through LINC levels.


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Nick Cherney

H5P Hands-on Webinar

This tutorial by Avenue mentor John Allan explains how to learn more advanced H5P tools.

It demonstrates how to create true/false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, drag the word and mark the word questions and publish them into an H5P quiz.

The sessions included step-by-step “How To” guides, which are available

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Nick Cherney

Basic Video Editing for Avenue Instructors

This session was delivered presented by LIT2T mentor and developer, John Allan.

Most teachers now have the ability to link or embed videos into their online courses, but there is so much more that instructors can do to provide more appropriate media for their lessons.

All teachers understand that videos should be relevant and concise or students will multitask or daydream through the activity.


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Nick Cherney

Introduction to Extensive Reading on Avenue

In this first of a two-part webinar series on Extensive Reading (ER), John Allan and Sepideh Alavi, NLS mentors and content developers, explore the ER movement as an approach to language learning that encourages students to read at a comfortable level that inspires reading for pleasure, reinforces and strengthens the learner’s language foundation, and should build/boost L2 confidence as they progress through LINC levels.


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