2016-2017 LINC Program Impact Evaluation Report

Based on research and evaluation since project inception in 2010, this report summarizes results from two surveys of the implementation of learning technologies in LINC programs in Ontario and across Canada. There are plentiful examples across Canada of successful uptake by individual teachers and in some cases, entire programs. Surveys completed by training participants indicate 90%+ satisfaction with the training offered by the project. Yet, many LINC professionals have struggled to get started locally, and others have still not taken first steps.

Evaluation is part of everything we do on the Project. Since the project’s inception, the team has implemented evaluation strategies that allow us to maintain a conversation with all stakeholders: learners, teachers, managers and the funder. These conversations equip us with the feedback we need to constantly improve the teacher training and learner courseware services we provide to the LINC sector. This report focuses on information from teachers and managers on challenges, barriers and opportunities represented by LINC learning technology innovation. We welcome any feedback on the contents of the report and its conclusions.

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LearnIT2teach Project Brochure

A four-page guide to the blended learning courseware and teacher training the project provides to IRCC-funded settlement language training professionals.

Normes du Programme d’Avenue pour l’Apprentissage des Langues Optimisé par la Technologie

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Avenue Instructor Standards for TELL

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Été 2024 : Nouvelles brochures sur le didacticiel et le perfectionnement professionnel en français

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Language Learning Leadership Guide

The project is pleased to offer managers and lead teachers in the IRCC-funded language training sector a new version of our leadership guide.  Where previous versions (2012 and 2014) were...

Avenue Program Standards for TELL

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