Avenue Program Standards for TELL

The Avenue Program Standards for Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL) are designed to help those in decision-making roles in a language program. They provide guidance to administrators, here defined to include both immediate and upper-level decision-makers such as funders, directors, deans, and school boards. Program administrators can use the can-do statements to determine how closely aligned their program is with the standards. The standards can also serve as a justification for requests for funding to meet the standards.

This document presents the guiding philosophy and the five program standards, each of which has a set of performance indicators (PIs) and detailed sub-indicators to provide clearer descriptions of what the standard entails. The sub-indicators have a text that explains them and suggestions for reflecting on how each standard applies in one’s own program. A set of can-do statements is included after each performance indicator. Programs can use the can-do statements to determine how fully they meet the standards, then plan ways to address any weaknesses. One vignette (so far) is included to demonstrate how some of the standards and PIs were met in an actual situation.

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